Yoga and Pranayama in Italy

Do you want to try it out and do gentle pranayama exercises every morning for a week followed by a yoga practice? here in beautiful Montefiore?

In the last retreats we always practiced the same way for the first 30 – 45 minutes in the morning practice – this time it will be gentle pranayama exercises. This is followed by very simple asanas or stretching or warm-up exercises; always the same process. You will feel and notice how everything changes in this one week and how your mind and body can get even more involved in the same practice. Discover subtleties within yourself that you may be missing from your probably varied practice in the studio at home. Enjoy this energy, the special atmosphere in the morning with birdsong and pleasant morning air in this beautiful place in the south of Italy.

Further information and registration via the Yoga Bahnhof website.