Love, Peace & Inner Wisdom Retreat

The wonderfully nourishing landscape of Angeli di Montefiore, in the hills of the fertile Marche, not far from a beautiful and clear sea, inspires and at the same time allows us to find peace. Here we immerse ourselves in a sensitive and versatile yoga, embodiment & Meditation practice. Through somatic exploration we connect with the nature within us, and the different body systems and layers, guided by our breath, visualizations, sounds, movements and touch. We flow from these explorations into light asana flows or longer Yin yoga sequences and mindfulness-based meditations. We dedicate ourselves primarily to Metta meditations to cultivate goodwill and peace towards ourselves and all beings. This week we surrender to the beauty and fullness of our aliveness, enjoy it to the fullest and flow with and from the original source of being and our hearts. By finding and strengthening peace, love and freedom within ourselves, we can carry these into the world and into our relationships. …and embody & transmit the change we want to see in the world.

Further information and registration via the noa:sanctuary website.